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Spice it up for a great flavor!

7 Aug

As a normal part of aging we lose our sense of taste. We then add salt to our dishes so that they taste better. One way to enhance the flavor of foods without adding more salt is by using spices. Spices come in many varieties and can boost the level of tastiness of any dish! Anyone, young or old, can add spices to boring and bland food to make it delicious.

Not only do spices provide flavor, they also provide some surprising health benefits:

  • According to several scientific studies, cinnamon is a tasty spice that contains great amounts of antioxidants.
  • Thymoquinone, the most abundant component of cumin seeds, is known to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
  • Allspice, which is derived from the Pimenta dioica tree, possesses some antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anticancer, and antitumorigenic properties.

Try these spices and more in moderate amounts, but on a consistent basis, to reap the amazing benefits!    spicesA bottle of spice can last quite a while, depending on the expiration date. They retain their flavor longer if they are kept in a cool and dry place, typically in a cupboard that is far from the heat of the stove.  The spices can be stored in mini jars or spice racks that can be found in almost any store. Some spices are mixed together for your convenience, such as Italian seasoning, which can be added to pastas and breads. Spices and mixed spice blends are important to have in every kitchen so that we can be creative and make new dishes!

Now in this time of technology, recipes can be found anywhere on the internet. Cookbooks from bookstores or the library have endless possibilities, too. Many of these recipes use at least one kind of spice, whether it be ground black pepper, chili powder, cinnamon, or others. Salt is a very common ingredient, but it is not a ‘spice’— salt is a mineral!

Recipes from friends and family are great, too, but you can add your own twist by adding different spices. Experiment and figure out what tastes best! Here is a chicken fruit salad recipe using curry, one of my favorite spices: Chicken-fruit salad, you will need:

  • Two cups diced, cooked turkey or chicken
  • Two apples, diced
  • ¼ cup chopped nuts (optional)
  • Three Tbs. vanilla low-fat yogurt
  • ¾ tsp. curry powder
  • 1 cup drained pineapple chunks

Wash hands and assemble clean equipment. Toss all ingredients together. Chill. Make 6 servings. Nutrient Analysis, per serving: 187 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 16 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, cholesterol 37 mg., 2 grams of fiber, sodium 246 mg.

To read more about spices you may visit:

Contributors: Maleeha Rahim and Ines Beltran



Metabolismo y peso corporal

10 Feb

Todos los días como un buen desayuno al igual que snacks entre mis comidas. breakfast - CopyDurante los últimos 20 años he hecho ejercicio con frecuencia y mi peso se ha mantenido estable en los últimos 12 años. La gente me dice que debo agradecerle a mi alto metabolismo, así que decidí leer más sobre el metabolismo y sus efectos en el peso corporal. Esto fue lo que encontré:

El sobrepeso es más que todo el resultado del almacenamiento de energía en forma de grasa debido a su exceso. En ocasiones, problemas hormonales o una enfermedad puede afectar el metabolismo. Los siguientes son algunos factores relacionados con la edad que reducen la cantidad de energía necesaria y afectan nuestro peso:

Las hormonas: Los hombres producen menos testosterona y las mujeres menos estrógenos con la edad. El crecimiento hormonal en los humanos disminuye con la edad ocasionando una susceptibilidad más alta a subir de peso por la relación de músculo y grasa.

La menopausia: Al acercarse la menopausia ocurre una disminución en las hormonas ocasionándole al cuerpo más uso de energía. Los expertos dicen que la subida de peso en la menopausia y la pos-menopausia es debido en parte solo a los cambios hormonales, pero que ser menos activo físicamente sin reducir el consumo de calorías es la causa principal en muchos casos.

El género: Los hombres tienen una tasa metabólica basal (BMR) más alta que las mujeres porque su proporción de musculo a grasa es más alta que el de las mujeres. Esto quiere decir que un hombre quemara más calorías que una mujer de la misma edad y peso.

Aquí le presento las opciones para ayudarle a bajar o a mantener su peso sin importar sus factores de riesgo:

  1. Para bajar de peso, usted tiene que saber su requerimiento diario de calorías y asegurarse que no tiene ningún problema de salud que le pueda causar subir de peso. Aquí hay dos links que le ayudarán con la planeación de peso corporal y su nivel de actividad física:
  • Instituto Nacional de Diabetes y de enfermedades de riñones y de digestión

  • UGA Extensión Ciencias de la Familia y del Consumidor

  1. Usted debe concentrarse en tres factores fundamentales que contribuyen a bajar de peso y a mantener su peso ideas. Los siguientes factores también causan un impacto en el metabolismo:

¡Tome un poco de su tiempo para revisar la información de los links y comience su propio plan para una vida saludable!

The Incredible ONIONS!

19 May

I cook almost every day at home, and when cooking I use onions as the main ingredient in my recipes. Besides the great flavor this vegetable add to my meals, it also provides wonderful nutrients. I want to share with you the information I found about the nutritional value of onions. I know that after reading this information you will cook more with onions:

One of the most significant sources of antioxidants in the human diet is onions, reports Cornell University Associate Professor Rui Hai Lui. These antioxidants provide this vegetable with its sweet flavors and distinct aroma. Consuming onions supplies your body with soluble fiber and flavonoids, antioxidant compounds that fight free radicals. These flavonoids assist in thinning your blood, decreasing inflammation and fighting cancer.  fotolia_14367447_XS[1]

The Western Yellow type contains 11 times more antioxidants than the Western White type and provides the strongest protection against the production of liver cancer cells. The Western Whites contain the least amount of antioxidants among onion varieties and offer the least protection against cancer cells. Shallots, Western Yellow, Northern Red and pungent yellow onions assist in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, which may protect against the development of colon and liver cancer.

Inflammation in your body can cause and exacerbate symptoms of asthma, arthritis and heart disease. According to a 2010 study published in “Molecular Aspects of Medicine,” regular consumption of organosulfur compounds from onions and garlic can prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.

Onions may assist in thinning your blood, as they contain thiosulfinates – the agents that provide an onion with its pungent odor and cause teary eyes when you come in contact with this vegetable. Additionally, this sulfur compound prevents platelets in your blood from aggregating and operates as a natural blood thinner. When platelets cluster in your blood, your risk for experiencing a stroke or heart attack significantly increases. Eat your onions raw for maximum thiosulfinate content, as cooking onions significantly decreases the quantity of this compound. If you take a prescription blood thinner, consult with your physician about consuming onions in conjunction with your medication, as you do not want your blood to become too thin.

Onions also contain a special form of soluble fiber known as fructan. When you consume fructan, this soluble fiber turns into a gel-like substance in your colon and converts to fatty acids. These fatty acids act as a natural laxative, stimulating bowel movements. The fructan in onions, inulin fructan, promotes the growth of good bacteria in your intestines, which may combat any infections in your colon.

So, what do you think? I think onions are amazing!


¡El potasio, el magnesio y el sodio son muy importantes en su organismo!

26 Mar

¿Cuánto potasio debo consumir?, ¿Cuáles son las fuentes y cuál en su función en mi cuerpo?

Estas son preguntas frecuentes durante nuestras clases y las personas hacen las mismas preguntas sobre el sodio y el magnesio. Aquí le presentamos una información rápida sobre estos minerales:

  • El magnesio forma parte de más de 300 enzimas en nuestro cuerpo. Las enzimas son componentes químicos que ayudan a regular muchas funciones corporales incluyendo la producción de energía y de proteína y las contracciones musculares. De igual manera juega un papel importante manteniendo los huesos y el corazón sanos.

El magnesio es un mineral importante, lo que significa que existe en su cuerpo en cantidades importantes. Una persona promedio necesita consumir entre 300 y 400 miligramos de magnesio al día.imagesCAOU0B9L

Los alimentos ricos en magnesio incluyen los vegetales de hojas verdes, los granos enteros, los frijoles y las nueces. Los vegetales y las frutas frescas proveen cantidades pequeñas de magnesio.

  • El potasio es un mineral que el cuerpo necesita para funcionar de manera normal. Ayuda a los nervios y los músculos a comunicarse. De igual manera, ayuda a mover los nutrientes dentro de las células y a que las células se deshagan de los desechos. Una dieta rica en potasio ayuda a compensar algunos de los efectos dañinos del sodio como su efecto en la presión arterial. Al día una persona debe consumir 4,7 gramos de este nutrient.imagesCA2CY92X

Casi toda la gente obtiene el potasio que necesita el cuerpo de lo que comen y beben. Dentro de las fuentes de potasio se encuentran: Los vegetales de hojas verdes como la espinaca y las berzas; frutas de vid como fresas y moras; vegetales de raíz como zanahorias y papas y frutas cítricas como las naranjas y las toronjas.

  • El sodio es usado por el cuerpo para controlar la presión arterial y el volumen de la sangre. El sodio ayuda a que los músculos y los nervios trabajen de manera correcta.

El sodio se encuentra de manera natural en casi todos los alimentos. La forma más común de sodio es el cloruro de sodio que es la misma sal de mesa. La leche, la remolacha, y el apio contienen también sodio de manera natural. El agua que tomamos también contiene sodio, pero en realidad la cantidad de sodio depende de la fuente.  imagesCAYTYCU2

Los adultos con salud buena deben limitar su consumo de sodio a 2.300 mg por día. Los adultos con presión arterial alta no deben consumir más de 1.500 mg al día. Personas con insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva, cirrosis hepática, y enfermedad renal deben consumir cantidades mucho más bajas.

Estos minerales son importantes para el buen funcionamiento de su cuerpo. Tan solo recuerde consumir de 5 a 7 porciones de vegetales y frutas todos los días, granos enteros, y nueces para obtener la ingestión diaria necesaria de estos minerals.

What is normal eating?

4 Feb

Normal eating is:

  • Being able to eat when you are hungry and continue to eat until you are satisfied.
  • Being able to choose food you like, eat it, and truly get enough of it, not just stopping to eat because you think you should.
  • Being able to use moderate constraint on your food selection in order to consume the right food, without being so restrictive that you miss out on pleasurable foods.
  • Giving yourself permission to eat because you are happy, sad or bored, or just because it feels good.
  • Normal eating consists of three meals a day or it can mean choosing to snack in between.
  • It is leaving some cookies on the plate because you know you can have some again tomorrow, or it is eating more now because they taste so wonderful when they are fresh.
  • Is overeating at times, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable.
  • It also means under eating at times and wishing you had more.
  • Trusting your body to make up for eating mistakes.

In short, normal eating is flexible. It varies in response to your emotions, your schedule, your hunger and your proximity to

There are times however, when food is employed as a means to deal with stress, sadness and or boredom. Learning to eat mindfully can help foster a sense of balance in regard to food consumption, and therefore help us to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Nutrition’s Balance

23 Jan


At the beginning of the year we usually schedule lots of classes with different community groups. Many of the participants expect that we talk to them about the usual New Year’s resolutions. As always, the two top resolutions tend to be related to our eating and exercise habits. On a recent search about healthy eating I came across an article published by the University of Georgia’s Health Center. They provided a list of factors that contributes to a balance or an “out of balance” diet.

Before I share this valuable insight, I would like to clarify that diet is not use on this article as a word to describe the regimen we initiate to either lose weight or manage a chronic disease condition. Diet is referring to the kinds of food we eat on a regular basis. To have a balance diet we need to concentrate on six main contributors: Consistency, Conscious and Thoughtful eating, Health, Variety, Pleasure and Taste, and our social environment. These six elements will help us establish good and sound habits that will benefit us by: encouraging us to have three balanced meals or several small ones with snacks daily, eat when we feel hunger signals and stop when they disappear and chose to eat foods that can provide good and necessary nutrients, while enjoying those choices with those who are important in our lives.

An out of balance diet can be:
• Food obsessed- We eat without a purpose and let food ruled our lives
• Restrictive- We only focus on eating certain foods and forget about the importance of variety
• Boring- Does not bring any pleasure to our lives and to those who are important to us
• Overly rigid- In terms of portions, choices and schedules among other factors
• Not in touch with hunger- We are not following or feeling the signals that our body is sending
• Too much fat or sugar- Concentrates in excessive amounts of this components that does not contribute to our health
• Unconscious eating- Does not provide a meaningful purpose for our food intake
• Always dieting- Is all about a season in our lives instead of being a lifestyle choice
For more information about healthy eating you can contact your local UGA Extension office or our office in DeKalb404-298-4080 or in Gwinnett 678-377-4010. Let’s keep the balance!