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Holiday Foods are Nutritious. By Ines Beltran

20 Nov

Ever since I moved to the USA to live, I look forward to enjoying the delicious Holidays foods.   The smell of the food in the oven, the different holiday dishes and flavors, and having the family together around the table to enjoy them, make the food even more delicious.

Let’s remember that most of the Holiday recipes are high in calories and we need to eat them in moderation. However, these meals are still nutritious! Here is some information about the healthful nutrients that make up these delicious dishes:


  • The best source of protein found in Holiday meals, it provides 26 grams of protein per serving. Three ounces of turkey (the size of the palm of your hand) is the recommended serving size.
  • A typical turkey consists of 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat, so eat more of the white meat and don’t eat the skin to avoid the fat.
  • Turkey meat is a source of iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, these are minerals that our bodies need to develop and function normally.2014 THANKSGIVING 1
  • It is also a source of vitamin B6 and niacin (B3), which are both essential for the body’s energy production.
  • Turkey provides selenium, an essential mineral that protects the thyroid gland from oxidative damage. Selenium also strengthens the immune system.

Sweet potatoes

  • Potatoes are high in potassium, which works in opposition to sodium to help regulate blood pressure and fluid balance. It’s also essential for normal muscle and nerve function.
  • One medium sweet potato contains 214% of the Daily Recommended Intake for vitamin A, which is important for vision and cell growth.
  • One medium sweet potato also provides 4 grams of fiber which promotes regularity.
  • Although potatoes are high in carbohydrates from starch, they are low in sugar, fat, and sodium. They have developed a bit of a bad reputation due to the popularity of low carbohydrate diets. Potatoes aren’t bad for your health as long as you watch your portions.

Green beans

  • Rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, folic acid and fiber. One cup of green beansprovides 14.4 micrograms of vitamin K, or almost 20 percent of the daily requirement.

2014 THANKSGIVING 2Spinach, pecans, and corn also provide nutrients while being the main ingredients of other heavenly Holiday recipes.

During the Holidays include vegetables and fruits in your meals at these special times and be aware of portion control. Also, remember when you sit down to eat with family or friends on Thanksgiving to treat it as any other meal, the best you can of course! Buen provecho.